IAX Token Info
IAX Contract Address: 0xe429575042170AC4C1DdFA9927356A40661CF00b

No need to setup a wallet outside of our platform.

We even have our own android wallet app.
Download it here.

You can use IAX on OTS, Splendor, IADOWR Games and much more, right now!

Vault IAX for rewards up to 10% a year.

Participate with us in the IEF (IADOWR Entertainment Fund) to make money and be part of making tv and movies.

IAX has nowhere to go but up. The starting price for IAX was $0.10 USD. So it can't go below that, if you got in around there, hold it to see where it can go.
No need to setup a wallet outside of our platform.
We even have our own android wallet app.
Download it here.
You can use IAX on OTS, Splendor, IADOWR Games and much more, right now!
Participate with us in the IEF (IADOWR Entertainment Fund) to make money and be part of making tv and movies.
Vault IAX for rewards up to 10% a year.
IAX has nowhere to go but up. The starting price for IAX was $0.10 USD. So it can't go below that, if you got in around there, hold it to see where it can go.